Storyboard 2
Scene 24 Boaz Protects Ruth

Placement: Ext. summer, Bethlehem Boaz wheat/barley field, morning, afternoon
Props: tables, white clothes, catered food, plates, drinks, glasses, field flowers, bread, vinegar, olive oil
Wardrobe: working clothes, jeans and T-shirts, long dresses
Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots, aerial shots of fields
Sound: 2 mics, boom
Lighting: outdoor lighting
Transition: Dissolve to the next scene.
Music: happy, motivational, folkish, upbeat, friendly
Scene 25 Boaz Provides For Ruth

Placement: Ext. summer, Bethlehem Boaz wheat/barley field, afternoon, evening
Props: wicker baskets
Wardrobe: working clothes, jeans and T-shirts, long dresses
Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots, aerial shots of fields
Sound: 2 mics, boom
Lighting: outdoor lighting
Transition: Cut to the next scene.
Music: happy, folkish, working hard
Scene 26 Ruth Shows Naomi The Provisions

Placement: Int. summer, Bethlehem house, evening
Props: cotton bags of barley, leftover food, tea kettle, cups, tea
Wardrobe: working clothes, jeans and T-shirts, long dresses
Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots, aerial shots of fields
Sound: 2 mics, boom
Lighting: indoor lighting
Transition: Cut to the next scene.
Music: happy, folkish, inspired, joyful
Scene 27 Ruth Is Working Hard On The Farm

Placement: Ext. summer, Boaz's farm, afternoon, evening
Props: wicker baskets, barley from field
Wardrobe: working clothes, jeans and T-shirts, long dresses, different outfits
Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots, aerial shots of fields
Sound: no mics, boom
Lighting: outdoor lighting
Transition: Dissolve to the next scene.
Music: folkish, inspired, joyful
Scene 28 Harvest Season Is Almost Over

Placement: Ext. Summer, Boaz field, morning, afternoon.
Props: none
Wardrobe: well-dressed, casual dresses, button-down shirt, jeans, hat, vest, or jacket
Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots, aerial shots
Sound: no mics, boom
Lighting: outdoor lighting
Transition: Dissolve to the next scene.
Music: folkish, inspired, joyful, happy
Scene 29 Naomi Tells Ruth About Boaz

Placement: Int. summer, Bethlehem home, evening
Props: none, book, teacups, tea
Wardrobe: well-dressed, casual dresses
Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots
Sound: 2 mics, boom
Lighting: indoor lighting
Transition: Dissolve to the next scene.
Music: folkish, inspired, joyful, chill
Scene 30 Ruth Gets Ready To Meet Boaz

Placement: Int./Ext. summer, Bethlehem home, late evening
Props: cinderella dress, towel, hair brush, makeup
Wardrobe: well-dressed, casual dresses
Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots
Sound: 2 mics, boom
Lighting: indoor/outdoor lighting
Transition: Cut to the next scene.
Music: folkish, inspired, joyful, heartwarming
Scene 31 Boaz Eats & Sleeps In The Barn

Placement: Int. late summer, Boaz's farm, barn, late evening
Props: food, drink, table, hay place to sleep, blanket
Wardrobe: well-dressed, jeans, button-down shirt
Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots
Sound: 1 mic, boom
Lighting: indoor lighting, electric lanterns
Transition: Dissolve to the next scene.
Music: folkish, chill
Scene 32 Ruth Goes To See Boaz In The Barn

Placement: Int. late summer, Boaz's farm, barn, late evening
Props: dress
Wardrobe: Dress
Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots
Sound: boom
Lighting: outdoor night lighting, reflective lighting
Transition: Dissolve to the next scene.
Music: folkish, chill
Scene 33 Ruth Lays Next To Boaz's Feet

Placement: Int./Ext. late summer, Boaz's farm, barn, late evening
Props: blanket, shawl, cinderella dress, electric lanterns
Wardrobe: well-dressed, jeans, button-down shirt, cinderella dress
Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots
Sound: 2 mics, boom
Lighting: indoor night lighting, electric lanterns, reflective lighting
Transition: Cut to the next scene.
Music: folkish, chill
Scene 34 Naomi Goes Home And Tells Naomi

Placement: Int., late summer, Bethlehem home, early morning
Props: cinderella dress, barley, shawl, a container for barley bowls, coffee mig
Wardrobe: well-dressed, casual dresses
Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots
Sound: 2 mics, boom
Lighting: indoor morning lighting
Transition: Cut to the next scene.
Music: folkish, joyful, heartwarming
Scene 35 Ruth And Boaz Go Into Elder Meeting

Placement: Ext. late summer, Boaz's farm, barn, late evening
Props: none
Wardrobe: well-dressed, pants, button-down shirt, jacket, nice dress
Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots, aerial shots
Sound: 2 mics, boom
Lighting: outdoor lighting
Transition: Dissove to the next scene.
Music: folkish, dramatic, cinematic, tension
Scene 36 Boaz Meets With The Elders

Placement: Ext./ Int. late summer, town hall room, morning
Props: sandals, water pitcher, glasses
Wardrobe: weel-groomed men, well-dressed, pants, button-down shirt, jacket, nice dress
Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots, aerial shots
Sound: 9 mics, 2 booms
Lighting: outdoor/indoor lighting
Transition: Cut to the next scene.
Music: folkish, dramatic, cinematic, mysterious
Scene 37 Boaz Marries Ruth

Placement: Ext. late summer/fall, Bethlehem house, backyard, afternoon
Props: tables, chairs, wedding props, wedding dress, suit, table of food
Wardrobe: weel-groomed men, well-dressed, pants, button-down shirt, jacket, nice dresses
Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots, aerial shots
Sound: 3 mics, boom
Lighting: outdoor lighting
Transition: Cut to the next scene.
Music: cinematic, romantic, exciting
Scene 38 Ruth, Boaz, And Naomi Hug

Placement: Ext. late summer, Bethlehem house, backyard, afternoon
Props: tables, chairs, wedding props, wedding dress, suit, table of food
Wardrobe: well-groomed men, well-dressed, pants, button-down shirt, jacket, nice dresses
Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots, aerial shots
Sound: 3 mics, boom
Lighting: outdoor lighting
Transition: Cut to the next scene.
Music: romantic, exciting, wholesome, folkly
Scene 39 Ruth Speaks To A Woman Cowoker

Placement: Ext. late summer, Boaz's farm, afternoon
Props: none
Wardrobe: well-dressed, jeans, button-down shirt, casual work dress
Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots, aerial shots
Sound: 2 mics, boom
Lighting: outdoor lighting
Transition: Cut to the next scene.
Music: wholesome, folkly, happy
Scene 40 Boaz Moves Into The Naomi's House, Ruth Conceives

Placement: Ext. late summer, Bethlehem house/farm, morning, afternoon
Props: moving boxes
Wardrobe: well-dressed, jeans, button-down shirt, casual dress
Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots
Sound: no mics
Lighting: outdoor/indoor lighting
Transition: Cut to the next scene.
Music: wholesome, folkly
Scene 41 Ruth Tells Naomi She Is Pregnant

Placement: Ext. late summer, Bethlehem house, Naomi's bedroom, morning
Props: none
Wardrobe: casual morning clothes
Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots,
Sound: 2 mics, boom
Lighting: indoor lighting
Transition: Cut to the next scene.
Music: wholesome, folkly, exciting, happy
Scene 42 Boaz And Ruth Settle Into Married Life

Placement: Ext. late summer/fall/winter, Bethlehem house/farm, all times
Props: baby bumps, dinnerware, food, drinks, coffee mugs, yard gloves, basket
Wardrobe: well-dressed, jeans, button-down shirt, casual work dress
Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots, aerial shots
Sound: no mics
Lighting: outdoor/indoor lighting
Transition: Cut to the next scene.
Music: wholesome, folkly, romantic
Scene 43 Ruth Goes In Labor

Placement: Int. late summer, Bethlehem house, morning
Props: baby bump
Wardrobe: well-dressed, casual long dress
Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots,
Sound: 2 mic, groom
Lighting: indoor lighting
Transition: Dissolve to the next scene.
Music: wholesome, tense, alarming, drama
Scene 44 Ruth Delivers Her Baby

Placement: Int. summer, Bethlehem farm, afternoon
Props: newborn fake baby, blanket
Wardrobe: well-dressed, jeans, button-down shirt, casual work dress
Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots,
Sound: 3 mics, boom
Lighting: indoor lighting
Transition: Cut to the next scene.
Music: wholesome, exciting, minimal
Scene 45 Three Neighbor Women See The Baby & Name Him Obed

Placement: Ext./Int. late summer, Bethlehem house, afternoon/evening
Props: newborn baby, baby blanket
Wardrobe: well-dressed, jeans, button-down shirt, casual dresses
Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots, aerial shots
Sound: 6 mic, boom
Lighting: outdoor/indoor lighting
Transition: Cut to the next scene.
Scene 46 Happy Ending Close Out

Placement: Ext. late summer/fall, Bethlehem house and farm, afternoon
Props: none
Wardrobe: none
Camera Shots: pan-out shots, aerial shots
Lighting: outdoor lighting
Transition: Cut to the next scene.
Music: wholesome, Christian, closing soundtrack