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Storyboard 2

Scene 24 Boaz Protects Ruth

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Charity Helstrom.jpeg
Callie Wing.jpeg
Brittany Huebl.jpg
Larry Sanchez.jpeg
Joseph Huebl.JPG
Scott Johnson 2.jpg
John Dahm.jpg
Tasha Heubl.jpg

Placement: Ext. summer, Bethlehem Boaz wheat/barley field, morning, afternoon

Props: tables, white clothes, catered food, plates, drinks, glasses, field flowers, bread, vinegar, olive oil

Wardrobe: working clothes, jeans and T-shirts, long dresses

Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots, aerial shots of fields

Sound: 2 mics, boom

Lighting: outdoor lighting


Transition: Dissolve to the next scene.

Music: happy, motivational, folkish, upbeat, friendly

Scene 25 Boaz Provides For Ruth

John Edel.jpg
Kieara Kline.jpeg
Charity Helstrom.jpeg
Aaliyah Helstrom.jpg
Callie Wing.jpeg
Olivia Helstrom.jpg

Placement: Ext. summer, Bethlehem Boaz wheat/barley field, afternoon, evening

Props:  wicker baskets

Wardrobe: working clothes, jeans and T-shirts, long dresses

Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots, aerial shots of fields

Sound: 2 mics, boom

Lighting: outdoor lighting


Transition: Cut to the next scene.

Music: happy, folkish, working hard

Scene 26 Ruth Shows Naomi The Provisions

Charity Helstrom.jpeg
Janet Fogg.jpg

Placement: Int. summer, Bethlehem house, evening

Props:  cotton bags of barley, leftover food, tea kettle, cups, tea

Wardrobe: working clothes, jeans and T-shirts, long dresses

Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots, aerial shots of fields

Sound: 2 mics, boom

Lighting: indoor lighting


Transition: Cut to the next scene.

Music: happy, folkish, inspired, joyful

Scene 27 Ruth Is Working Hard On The Farm

Charity Helstrom.jpeg
Brittany Huebl.jpg
Callie Wing.jpeg
Tasha Heubl.jpg

Placement: Ext. summer, Boaz's farm, afternoon, evening

Props:  wicker baskets, barley from field

Wardrobe: working clothes, jeans and T-shirts, long dresses, different outfits

Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots, aerial shots of fields

Sound: no mics, boom

Lighting: outdoor lighting


Transition: Dissolve to the next scene.

Music: folkish, inspired, joyful

Scene 28 Harvest Season Is Almost Over

John Edel.jpg
Charity Helstrom.jpeg

Placement: Ext. Summer, Boaz field, morning, afternoon.

Props:  none

Wardrobe: well-dressed, casual dresses, button-down shirt, jeans, hat, vest, or jacket

Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots, aerial shots

Sound: no mics, boom

Lighting: outdoor lighting


Transition: Dissolve to the next scene.

Music: folkish, inspired, joyful, happy

Scene 29 Naomi Tells Ruth About Boaz

Charity Helstrom.jpeg
Janet Fogg.jpg

Placement: Int. summer, Bethlehem home, evening

Props:  none, book, teacups, tea

Wardrobe: well-dressed, casual dresses

Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots

Sound: 2 mics, boom

Lighting: indoor lighting


Transition: Dissolve to the next scene.

Music: folkish, inspired, joyful, chill

Scene 30 Ruth Gets Ready To Meet Boaz

Charity Helstrom.jpeg
Janet Fogg.jpg

Placement: Int./Ext. summer, Bethlehem home, late evening

Props:  cinderella dress, towel, hair brush, makeup

Wardrobe: well-dressed, casual dresses

Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots

Sound: 2 mics, boom

Lighting: indoor/outdoor lighting


Transition: Cut to the next scene.

Music: folkish, inspired, joyful, heartwarming

Scene 31 Boaz Eats & Sleeps In The Barn

John Edel.jpg
Charity Helstrom.jpeg

Placement: Int. late summer, Boaz's farm, barn, late evening

Props:  food, drink, table, hay place to sleep, blanket

Wardrobe: well-dressed, jeans, button-down shirt

Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots

Sound: 1 mic, boom

Lighting: indoor lighting, electric lanterns


Transition: Dissolve to the next scene.

Music: folkish, chill

Scene 32 Ruth Goes To See Boaz In The Barn

Charity Helstrom.jpeg

Placement: Int. late summer, Boaz's farm, barn, late evening

Props:  dress

Wardrobe: Dress

Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots

Sound: boom

Lighting: outdoor night lighting, reflective lighting


Transition: Dissolve to the next scene.

Music: folkish, chill

Scene 33 Ruth Lays Next To Boaz's Feet

John Edel.jpg
Charity Helstrom.jpeg

Placement: Int./Ext. late summer, Boaz's farm, barn, late evening

Props:  blanket, shawl, cinderella dress, electric lanterns

Wardrobe: well-dressed, jeans, button-down shirt, cinderella dress

Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots

Sound: 2 mics, boom

Lighting: indoor night lighting, electric lanterns, reflective lighting


Transition: Cut to the next scene.

Music: folkish, chill

Scene 34 Naomi Goes Home And Tells Naomi

Charity Helstrom.jpeg
Janet Fogg.jpg

Placement: Int., late summer, Bethlehem home, early morning

Props:  cinderella dress, barley, shawl, a container for barley bowls, coffee mig

Wardrobe: well-dressed, casual dresses

Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots

Sound: 2 mics, boom

Lighting: indoor morning lighting


Transition: Cut to the next scene.

Music: folkish, joyful, heartwarming

Scene 35 Ruth And Boaz Go Into Elder Meeting

John Edel.jpg
Charity Helstrom.jpeg

Placement: Ext. late summer, Boaz's farm, barn, late evening

Props:  none

Wardrobe: well-dressed, pants, button-down shirt, jacket, nice dress

Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots, aerial shots

Sound: 2 mics, boom

Lighting: outdoor lighting


Transition: Dissove to the next scene.

Music: folkish, dramatic, cinematic, tension

Scene 36 Boaz Meets With The Elders

Raenel Williams
Joseph Huebl.JPG
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James Norgard AMT.jpg
Timm Vedder.jpg
Alex Terry.jpg
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John Dahm.jpg
Charity Helstrom.jpeg
Sanjeev Bhonsle.jpg
John Edel.jpg
Stephen Hage.jpg

Placement: Ext./ Int. late summer, town hall room, morning

Props:  sandals, water pitcher, glasses

Wardrobe: weel-groomed men, well-dressed, pants, button-down shirt, jacket, nice dress

Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots, aerial shots

Sound: 9 mics, 2 booms

Lighting: outdoor/indoor lighting


Transition: Cut to the next scene.

Music: folkish, dramatic, cinematic, mysterious

Scene 37 Boaz Marries Ruth

John Edel.jpg
Charity Helstrom.jpeg
Janet Fogg.jpg
Vlad Ustimchuk.jpeg
Sivanuja Balaji.jpg
Callie Wing.jpeg
Ashley Lundgren.jpg
Stephen Hage.jpg
Timm Vedder.jpg
Raenel Williams
Joseph Huebl.JPG

Placement: Ext. late summer/fall, Bethlehem house, backyard, afternoon

Props:  tables, chairs, wedding props, wedding dress, suit, table of food

Wardrobe: weel-groomed men, well-dressed, pants, button-down shirt, jacket, nice dresses

Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots, aerial shots

Sound: 3 mics, boom

Lighting: outdoor lighting


Transition: Cut to the next scene.

Music: cinematic, romantic, exciting

Scene 38 Ruth, Boaz, And Naomi Hug

John Edel.jpg
Charity Helstrom.jpeg
Janet Fogg.jpg
Vlad Ustimchuk.jpeg
Sivanuja Balaji.jpg
Callie Wing.jpeg
Ashley Lundgren.jpg
Stephen Hage.jpg
Timm Vedder.jpg
Raenel Williams
Joseph Huebl.JPG

Placement: Ext. late summer, Bethlehem house, backyard, afternoon

Props:  tables, chairs, wedding props, wedding dress, suit, table of food

Wardrobe: well-groomed men, well-dressed, pants, button-down shirt, jacket, nice dresses

Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots, aerial shots

Sound: 3 mics, boom

Lighting: outdoor lighting


Transition: Cut to the next scene.

Music: romantic, exciting, wholesome, folkly

Scene 39 Ruth Speaks To A Woman Cowoker

John Edel.jpg
Charity Helstrom.jpeg
Callie Wing.jpeg

Placement: Ext. late summer, Boaz's farm, afternoon

Props:  none

Wardrobe: well-dressed, jeans, button-down shirt, casual work dress

Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots, aerial shots

Sound: 2 mics, boom

Lighting: outdoor lighting


Transition: Cut to the next scene.

Music: wholesome, folkly, happy

Scene 40 Boaz Moves Into The Naomi's House, Ruth Conceives

John Edel.jpg
Charity Helstrom.jpeg
Janet Fogg.jpg

Placement: Ext. late summer, Bethlehem house/farm, morning, afternoon

Props:  moving boxes

Wardrobe: well-dressed, jeans, button-down shirt, casual dress

Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots

Sound: no mics

Lighting: outdoor/indoor lighting


Transition: Cut to the next scene.

Music: wholesome, folkly

Scene 41 Ruth Tells Naomi She Is Pregnant

Charity Helstrom.jpeg
Janet Fogg.jpg

Placement: Ext. late summer, Bethlehem house, Naomi's bedroom, morning

Props:  none

Wardrobe: casual morning clothes

Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots,

Sound: 2 mics, boom

Lighting: indoor lighting


Transition: Cut to the next scene.

Music: wholesome, folkly, exciting, happy

Scene 42 Boaz And Ruth Settle Into Married Life

John Edel.jpg
Charity Helstrom.jpeg
Janet Fogg.jpg

Placement: Ext. late summer/fall/winter, Bethlehem house/farm, all times

Props:  baby bumps, dinnerware, food, drinks, coffee mugs, yard gloves, basket

Wardrobe: well-dressed, jeans, button-down shirt, casual work dress

Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots, aerial shots

Sound: no mics

Lighting: outdoor/indoor lighting


Transition: Cut to the next scene.

Music: wholesome, folkly, romantic

Scene 43 Ruth Goes In Labor

Charity Helstrom.jpeg
Janet Fogg.jpg

Placement: Int. late summer, Bethlehem house, morning

Props:  baby bump

Wardrobe: well-dressed, casual long dress

Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots,

Sound: 2 mic, groom

Lighting: indoor lighting


Transition: Dissolve to the next scene.

Music: wholesome, tense, alarming, drama

Scene 44 Ruth Delivers Her Baby

John Edel.jpg
Charity Helstrom.jpeg
Janet Fogg.jpg
Ellen Engelson.jpeg

Placement: Int. summer, Bethlehem farm, afternoon

Props: newborn fake baby, blanket

Wardrobe: well-dressed, jeans, button-down shirt, casual work dress

Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots,

Sound: 3 mics, boom

Lighting: indoor lighting


Transition: Cut to the next scene.

Music: wholesome, exciting, minimal

Scene 45 Three Neighbor Women See The Baby & Name Him Obed

John Edel.jpg
Charity Helstrom.jpeg
Janet Fogg.jpg
Sydney Summers.jpeg
Ashley Lundgren.jpg
Alana LaBissoniere.jpg
Barrett Lundgren.jpeg

Placement: Ext./Int. late summer, Bethlehem house, afternoon/evening

Props:  newborn baby, baby blanket

Wardrobe: well-dressed, jeans, button-down shirt, casual dresses

Camera Shots: mid shots, close-ups, pan-out shots, aerial shots

Sound: 6 mic, boom

Lighting: outdoor/indoor lighting


Transition: Cut to the next scene.


Scene 46 Happy Ending Close Out

John Edel.jpg
Charity Helstrom.jpeg
Janet Fogg.jpg
Barrett Lundgren.jpeg

Placement: Ext. late summer/fall, Bethlehem house and farm, afternoon

Props:  none

Wardrobe: none

Camera Shots: pan-out shots, aerial shots


Lighting: outdoor lighting


Transition: Cut to the next scene.

Music: wholesome, Christian, closing soundtrack

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